Nazik Ahmed Karrar Omer
Name: Nazik Ahmed Karrar Omer
Date / Place of Birth: 1975-Kasala-Sudan
Nationality: Sudanese
Marital Status: Single
- Experience in all Micromanipulation Techniques, Tissue Culture, Cryopreservation, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
- Experience in ovulation induction, gynecological ultrasound scanning and antenatal follow up.
- Ability to work well both independently and in team environment.
- Goal oriented and hard working individual determined to succeed.
- Excellent communication skills with my colleagues, patients and suppliers.
- Strong administrative skills

August 2005
Intensive training course in andrology and assisted human reproduction technologies in George-August University Goettingen-Germany
September 2002
MBBS-Collage of medicine-University of Khartoum-Sudan
Dr. Jwan Murad clinic- Emirates German Fertility unit
IVF Lab organizer and assistant embryologist and assistant medical doctor. November 2003 up to date
I have more than 6 years of experience in Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) I was trained by the distinguished scientists Prof.Dr.H.W.Michelmann from George-August-University Goettingen ,Dr.Jwan Murad(FRCOG-London) and Dr.Manuel a Ropeter (Dragon IVF international).
Main Responsibilities :
Management of the activities of the lab, purchasing equipments and disposables, monitoring and applying of quality control and quality assurance. Identify problems and troubleshooting. Making financial decisions. Prepare daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports. Patient counseling, Perform all the work required by an assistant embryologist.
Micromanipulations experience:
ntracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of fresh sperm, frozen-thawed sperm, testicular and epididymal extracted sperm. Assisted Hatching (AH) with LASER. Polar body biopsy, cleavage stage embryo blastomer biopsy and blastocyst biopsy for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).
Andrology Experience:
Sperm analysis according to WHO criteria, all sperm preparation techniques for intrauterine insemination (IUI), conventional IVF, ICSI, preparation of sperm from testicular tissue and epididymal and testicular aspirate.
Tissue culture experience:
Culture of immature oocytes (prophase stage and metaphase I stage) to metaphase II stage, conventional IVF, oocytes retrieval, oocytes stripping, oocytes grading, zygote grading, embryo grading, and culture of embryos up to expanded blastocyst stage. Culture of embryos after conventional IVF and ICSI, embryo transfer (ET), Culture of oocytes, embryos, blastocyst after freezing.
Cryopreservation experience:
Cryopreservation of sperm, testicular extracted sperm, testicular tissue, epididymal aspirated sperm, oocytes, pronucleate stage embryo, cleavage stage embryo, blastocyst and ovarian tissue.
PGD and Molecular genetics experience:
Embryo determination and aneuploidy detection with FISH.
Computer skills:
MS-DOS, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power point, MS- Access, MS-Outlook, Acrobat reader.
Very good command of English
Very good command of Arabic