Curriculum Vitae Dr. Manuela Ropeter
Date of birth, place of birth: 17.11.1966, Altenkirchen, Germany
Family status: married, 2 children
Nationality: German

Elementary School, Herberhausen, Germany
High school: Theodor-Heuss-Gymnasium, Goettingen, Germany
Study of Agricultural Sciences, University of Goettingen, Germany Graduated 1st Diploma
Hands-on training in agriculture; Hevensen, Germany, Heinrich Ropeter, Lindenstr. 22, 37181 Hardegsen-Hevensen
Continuation: Study of Agricultural Sciences, Diploma: Engineer of Agricultural Sciences
PhD of Agricultural Sciences (Dr. sc. agr.); Institute of Animal Husbandry and Genetics, Dep. of Biotechnology, Prof. Dr. W. Holtz.
Theme: in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes on feederlayer cultures with antibodies against Inhibin
Embryologist (lab supervisor) at the Fertility Clinic, Hildesheim;
Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. med. Franz-J. Algermissen, Dr. med. Georg Wilke
Fachärzte für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Reproduktionsmedizin
Dr. med. Notker Graf, Facharzt für Humangenetik und Frauenarzt
advanced education in clinical embryology in German Emirates Clinic Dr. Jwan Murad’s clinic, Sharjah, UAE, Trainee
Since 2007:
Establishing of Dragon IVF International
Lindenstrasse 22, 37181 Hardegsen-Hevensen, Deutschland / Germany
Establishing IVF unit in cooperation with Hospitalia International in Directorate of International Medical centers n.a the Great Saparmyrat Turkmenbashyat the Ministry of Health and Medical industry
Street 1970, Archabil avenue, Dr. Oraztach Taganova
Ashgabat Turkmenistan
Hands on workshops with international partners
2010 Having Hands on Workshop in Burghotel Hardenberg from female Gynecologists initiated by ÄRE Prof. Dr. med. Monika Bals-Pratsch, M.Sc. Profertilita
starting up an IVF Unit in United Arabian Emirates New clinic Al Al Fertility Center (AAFC), Dr. Braulio Moya Peramo
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Since October 2012:
Lab Director gyn-medicum Göttingen Dr. med Monica Tobler gyn-medicum Göttingen Zentrum für Frauenheilkunde, Kinderwunsch, Schwangerschaft
Dr. med. Monica Tobler
IMSI Workshops in Jordan Farah Hospital Amman
starting up an IVF Unit in Libya Dr.Milad M M Gahwagi MD ABOG LBOG EDLS DU DIU Infertility
Lecturer Benghazi Medical University
Establishing a scientifical design for evaluation of transporting vitrified oocytes und the aspect of effects of shipping in vitrified goods;
Company Seracell
Supporting Company Labotect to establish pH Measurements of pH in in situ situation of incubation systems
Delia Fleitmann, Dr. Friederike Fleitmann
Since 2012:
cooperation with International School of Medicine
PD Dr. med Andreas Schmutzler
Dr. med. Monica Tobler
Since 2014:
Taking part in ESTEEM study from ESHRE having Aneuploidie screening of polar bodies with Array CGH
Kristel Diepvens, PhD, Project Manager, Clinical Trial Center Maastricht (CTCM
PD Dr. med. Andreas Schmutzler
gyn-medicum Göttingen, Zentrum für Frauenheilkunde, Kinderwunsch, Schwangerschaft
M. Cristina Magli, SISMER
Establishing the Operation of testicular Biopsie in UKM Göttingen, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Lutz Trojan Direktor Klinik für Urologie Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Georg-August-Universität,
starting an Acedemy for hands on techniques in assisted reproduction in cooperation with DSF Labcon GmbH
Dr. Friederike Fleitmann
since 2018
supporting Team Kinderwunsch Hannover , Dr. med Nabil Saymè
since 2019
Collaboration with company Gynemed
company Eppendorf
- Training 1 year gentic Doctor in IVF Mrs Suanne Gärtner-Hübsch 2003-2004
- Training over 3 years one gynaecological Doctor in IVF and Genetic in SharjahDr. Nazik Karrar 2006-2009
- Organization, lecturing Education Mrs Nazik Karrar 4 weeks in Göttingen UKM 2009
- Training in UMG Ravindra Kumar And Stem cell group DPZ , Göttingen 2010
- Turkmenistan Team 2007-2011
- Hands-on workshop of 5 female Gynaecologists from Äre (Feb 2010)
- Hardenberg Al Farrah hospital IMSI training 2012-2013
- 2-year training of 27 international trainees from ISOM in DSF Labcon since 2013
- 5 technicians Germany in DSF Labcon 2015
- Ropeter-Scharfenstein, M. In vitro Maturation porciner Oozyten auf Feederlayer-Kulturen mit Antikörpern gegen Inhibin, Dissertation 1999
- Ropeter-Scharfenstein, M.; Neubert, N., Prelle, K., W. Holtz: Identification, Isolation and Culture of pluripotent cells from porcine inner cell mass, J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 113, 427-436, 1996
- Ropeter-Scharfenstein, M. Quality management manual for assisted reproduction Labaratory in Hildesheim, 1994. A guideline IVF lab and operation, genetic polar body biopsie.
- Ropeter-Scharfenstein, M. Quality management manual for assisted reproduction Labaratory in Sharjah, 2008. A guideline IVF lab and operation, FISH by embryo biopsie.
- In Vitro Maturation porciner Oozyten unter Einfluss von Feederlayer Kulturen und Anti-Inhibin
- German (native speaker)
- English (fluent)
- Arabic (some words)
- Russian (some words)
- 2003 Member of AGRBM
- 2004 Recognition as Biologist in Reproduction
- 2008 Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Reproduktionsmedizin
- 2009 Member of ESHRE
- 2011 Member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Reproduktionsmedizin Fachbereich Biotechnologie
I have more than 25 years of experience in Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART) vetenarian and human applications. I was trained by the distinguished scientists Prof.Dr.H.W.Michelmann from George-August-University Goettingen , Dr.Jwan Murad(FRCOG-London) . Medical experience I got from Dr. G. Wilke, and Dr. Jwan Murad.
Main Responsibilities:
Management of the activities of the lab, purchasing equipments and disposables, monitoring and applying of quality control and quality assurance. Identify problems and troubleshooting. Making financial decisions. Prepare daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports. Patient counseling, Perform all the work required by an assistant embryologist.
Micromanipulations experience:
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of fresh sperm, frozen-thawed sperm, testicular and epididymal extracted sperm. Assisted Hatching (AH) with LASER. Polar body biopsy, cleavage stage embryo blastomer biopsy and blastocyst biopsy for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). Oocyte and embryo handling, performing IVF, cell culture, microbiology, genetic, Andrology Experience: Sperm analysis according to WHO criteria, all sperm preparation techniques for intrauterine insemination (IUI), conventional IVF, ICSI, preparation of sperm from testicular tissue and epididymal and testicular aspirate.
Apoptosis separation with MACS
Tissue culture experience:
Culture of immature oocytes (prophase stage and metaphase I stage) to metaphase II stage, conventional IVF, oocytes retrieval, oocytes stripping, oocytes grading, zygote grading, embryo grading, and culture of embryos up to expanded blastocyst stage. Culture of embryos after conventional IVF and ICSI, embryo transfer (ET), Culture of oocytes, embryos, blastocyst after freezing.
Media Preparation, Establishing stem cell culture
Cryopreservation experience:
Cryopreservation of sperm, testicular extracted sperm, testicular tissue, epididymal aspirated sperm, oocytes, pronucleate stage embryo, cleavage stage embryo, blastocyst and ovarian tissue.
Vitrification of PN Stages, Embryos, Blastocysts and Oocytes
PGD and Molecular genetics experience:
Embryo determination and aneuploidy detection with FISH.
Since 2014 polar Body biopsie and and aneuploidie screening with CGH
Computer skills:
MS-DOS, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power point, MS- Access, MS-Outlook, Acrobat reader.