Maria Sergeyevna Shishimorova
Cand. Sc. {Biology}
Date of birth: 18.06.1977
Family status: married
Nationality: Russian

MAA-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev, (with honors) qualification – Livestock engineer, specialty – animal science, Moscow, Russia
ARCFEI- All-Russian Distance Institute of Finance and Economics (with honors), specialty – Labor Economics, specialization – Human resources, Moscow, Russia
Candidate of Biological Sciences, specialty – Biotechnology
All-Russian Research Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition of farm animals of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Borovsk, Russia
2016 to the present day:
Genetic Laboratory Chief, Head in the science of ART laboratory, Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Almaty, Kazakhstan
ART Laboratory Chief, Institute of Reproductive Medicine, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Leading specialist in clinical embryology of ART laboratory of CJSC IDK Medical Company, Samara, Russia
Senior Researcher in Laboratory of Cellular and Genetic Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition of agricultural animals, Borovsk, Russia.
Laboratory Chief: Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ryabykh V.P.
Post Doctoral Research Associate Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Biomedical Sciences Laboratory of molecular genetic and RNA biology, Ames, USA.
Mentor: Dr. Ravindra Singh
Senior Researcher in Laboratory of Cellular and Genetic Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Nutrition of agricultural animals, Borovsk, Russia.
Laboratory Chief: Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ryabykh V.P
Defense of the Ph.D. thesis in Biotechnology on the topic:
„The frequency of integration of genetic engineering structures with various methods of their introduction to embryos“
Scientific adviser: Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Ryabykh V.P.
Molecular Biology Methods:
Molecular biology skills: molecular cloning, mutagenesis, DNA isolation, RNA, purification, precipitation, Northern blot hybridization, PCR, RT-PCR, genomic DNA screening, sequencing and analysis of sequencing, agarose gel electrophoresis and PAAG, work with radioactive labels.
Protein expression, purification and analysis: protein expression in bacterial culture (E. coli) and cell culture, purification, evaluation and analysis using Western blot.
Cell culture: cultivation of different lines of cells and tissues, fractionation, cell quality assessment, transfection, and immunofluorescence staining (FISH), fluorescence microscopy.
Chromosomal DNA manipulations: tissue biopsy, lysis, genomic DNA isolation; using PCR analysis to determine transgene integration;
Language skills: English: speak and read fluently
Drive license: driving experience more than 20 years.
Personal skills: leadership, ability to organize a team, responsibility, accuracy in work, diligence, honesty, ability to work in a team.
Experience in writing scientific articles, presenting reports at conferences and congresses, as well as organizing, preparing and conducting various levels of meetings.
1998 – personal governor scholarship named after Vorontsova-Dashkova
– Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society
– European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
– Russian Association of Human Reproduction
– Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine
Comparative genomic hybridization – a modern approach to genetic screening. IRM Experience. – X International Congress of the Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine “Modern approaches to infertility treatment. ART: Present and Future”, Almaty, 2018.
Comparative genomic hybridization as a tool to increase the effectiveness of the ART program – IX International Congress of the Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine “Modern approaches to infertility treatment. ART: Present and Future”, Almaty, 2017.
Use of the method of comparative hybridization (aCGH) in ART programs with preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) – VIII International Congress of the Kazakhstan Association of Reproductive Medicine “Modern approaches to infertility treatment. ART: Present and Future”, Almaty, 2016.
Overview of modern methods of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in the framework of ART programs – VII International Congress “Modern approaches to infertility treatment. ART: Present and Future”, Almaty, 2015.
The effectiveness of preimplantation genetic screening by the FISH method on blastocysts after a trophectoderm biopsy – VI International Scientific and Practical Conference KARM “Modern approaches to infertility treatment. ART in Kazakhstan. Present and Future”, Almaty, 2014.
The comparative effectiveness of the preimplantation genetic diagnosis program in ART cycles. Day 3 or day 5? – International Symposium on Reproductive Medicine, UARM “Theory and Practice in Human Reproduction”, Lvov, 2013.
«Ubiquitous effect of oxidative stress on alternative splicing of Survival Motor Neuron 2» – Annual RNA conference, Madison, Wisconsin 2009, USA (poster session)
“The frequency of integration of genetic engineering constructs in the genome of mouse zygotes with various methods of their introduction to embryos” – The Fourth Congress of the Russian Biotechnology Society named after Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, competition for young scientists, Pushchino, 2006.
“Features of integration to the genome of mice of a retroviral construct introduced to the perivitelline space of zygotes” – Fourth International Conference “Actual problems in animal husbandry”, Borovsk, 2006.
“Advantages and disadvantages of the technology for creating transgenic animals using various genetic engineering vectors”, Second Moscow Congress “Biotechnology a condition and prospects of development” Moscow, Russia 2003.
In peer-reviewed journals
Joonbae Seo, Natalia N. Singh, Eric W. Ottesen, Senthilkumar Sivanesan, Mariia Shishimorova, Ravindra N. Singh Oxidative Stress Triggers Body-Wide Skipping of Multiple Exons of the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Gene// PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0154390 April 25, 2016
Tevkin S., Lokshin V., Shishimorova M. and Polumiskov V. The frequency of clinical pregnancy and implantation rate after cultivation of embryos in a medium with granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in patients with preceding failed attempts of ART // Gynecological Endocrinology. 2014. Vol. 30. Suppl. 1. P. 9–12.
Natalia N. Singh, Joonbae Seo, Eric W. Ottesen, Mariia Shishimorova, Dhruva Bhattacharya, and Ravindra N. Singh TIA1 prevents skipping of a critical exon associated with spinal muscular atrophy // Molecular and cellular biology. – 2011. – Vol. 31, № 5. – P. 935–9541–10.
Singh NN1, Shishimorova M, Cao LC, Gangwani L, Singh RN. A short antisense oligonucleotide masking a unique intronic motif prevents skipping of a critical exon in spinal muscular atrophy RNA Biol. 2009 Jul-Aug; 6(3):341-50. Epub 2009 Jul 14.
Shishimorova MS, Ivanova LB, Riabykh VP. Influence of Combined Microinjection of Gene Engineering Construct and Endonuclease on Preimplantation Development of Mouse Embryos in vitro Ontogenez. 2004 Sep-Oct;35(5):387-9.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S. Embryological aspects of ART. Organization of a modern embryological laboratory. Quality control of the ART laboratory work / Lokshin V.N. Clinical practice in reproductive medicine: guide for doctors/ Lokshin V.N., Dzhusubalieva T.M. – Almaty, 2015. – p. 252-301.
Shishimorova M.S., Tevkin S.I. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis and screening using Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Modern views / Lokshin V.N. Clinical practice in reproductive medicine: guide for doctors / Lokshin V.N., Dzhusubalieva T.M. – Almaty, 2015.– p. 302-325.
Shishimorova M.S., Tevkin S.I. and Lokshin V.N. Efficiency of preimplantation genetic screening of aneuploidy using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) method after biopsy of blastomere or trophectoderm // Reproductive medicine. 2014. No. 3-4 (20-21). p. 49-53.
Gusseinova К.А., Badelbayeva L.А., Shishimorova M.S. and Lokshin V.N. Evaluation of the effectiveness of intrauterine insemination in the natural and stimulated cycles // Reproductive Medicine. 2014. No. 1-2 (18-19). p. 19–23.
Gusseinova К.А., Issenova А.М. and Shishimorova M.S. Kazakhstan sperm donors: issues of donor anonymity and motivation // Reproductive Medicine. 2014. No. 1-2 (18-19). p. 59–61.
Gusseinova К.А., Issenova А.М. and Shishimorova M.S. Violations of men reproductive function associated with abnormalities of the heterochromosomes // Reproductive medicine. 2014. No. 3 (20). p. 41-45.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Dzhussubaliyev N.М. and Polumiskov V.Y. Cultivation of embryos in a medium containing granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF) in patients with previous failed attempts of ART in anamnesis // Reproductive medicine. 2013. 3-4 (16-17). p. 40–44.
Shishimorova M.S., Tevkin S.I., Polumiskov V.Y. and Lokshin V.N. Preimplantation genetic screening as a result of trophectoderm biopsy on cryopreserved embryos (clinical cases) // Reproductive medicine. 2013. 3-4 (16-17). p. 52–56.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Trubitsina Т.P., Yezersky V.А., Ryabykh V.P. In vitro development and transgene integration to the genome of preimplantation rabbit embryos after microinjection of various genetic engineering constructs // Problems of biology of productive animals – 2010. – No.3. – p. 86-95.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Obtaining transgenic rabbits – obtaining biologically active recombinant human proteins (review) // Problems of biology of productive animals – 2009. – No.4. – p. 5-20.
Tevkin S.I., Trubitsina Т.P., Shishimorova M.S., Ryabykh V.P. The frequency of transgene integration and in vitro viability of rabbit embryos microinjected to the pronucleus by various genetic engineering constructs with a regulatory area of αS1-casein gene of the cattle // Problems of biology of productive animals. – 2009. – No.2. – p. 5-11.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Yezersky V.А., Trubitsina Т.P., Fatkulina О.B., Ryabykh V.P. The efficiency of lactoferrin gene integration to the genome of mice and rabbits // Agricultural Biology. – 2009. – No.2. – p. 55-61.
Shishimorova M.S., Ivanova L.B., Ryabykh V.P. The effect of joint microinjection of a genetic engineering construction and restriction enzyme on preimplantation development of mouse embryos in vitro // Ontogenesis. – 2004. – Т 35, No.5. – p. 387-389.
In collections of conferences and scientific papers
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Lokshin V.N. CULTIVATION OF EMBRYOS IN A MEDIUM CONTAINING A GRANULOCITAR-MACROFAGAL COLONY STIMULATING FACTOR (GM-CSF) IN PATIENTS OF DIFFERENT AGE GROUPS – Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXIV International Conference of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, 2014, Yaroslavl, p. 46-49.
Shishimorova M.S., Tevkin S.I., Polumiskov М.Н. EFFECTIVENESS OF PREIMPLANTATION OF GENETIC ANEUPLOIDY SCREENING BY FISH METHOD AFTER A BIOPSY OF BLASTOMER (DAY 3) OR TROPHECTODERM (DAY 5) – Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXIV International Conference of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, 2014, Yaroslavl, p. 82-84.
Tevkin S.I., Dzhusubaliyev N.М., Shishimorova M.S., Polumiskov V.Y., Lokshin V.N. RESULTS OF CULTIVATION OF EMBRYONS IN A MEDIA WITH A GRANULOCITARY-MACROFAGAL COLONY STIMULATING FACTOR (GM-CSF) IN AGE-SPECIFIC PATIENTS WITH PREVIOUS FAILED ART ATTEMPT – Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXIV International Conference of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, 2013, Volgograd, p. 51-53.
Shishimorova M.S., Tevkin S.I., Dzhusubaliyev N.М., Polumiskov V.Y., Lokshin V.N. ПРОВЕДЕНИЕ ГЕНЕТИЧЕСКОГО СКРИНИНГА АНЕУПЛОИДИЙ МЕТОДОМ FISH НА ТРОФОЭКТОДЕРМЕ УВЕЛИЧИВАЕТ ЧАСТОТУ НАСТУПЛЕНИЯ КЛИНИЧЕСКОЙ БЕРЕМЕННОСТИ – Reproductive technologies today and tomorrow. Materials of the XXIII International Conference of the Russian Association of Human Reproduction, 2013, Volgograd, p. 78-79.
Shishimorova M.S., Polumiskov V.Y., Karibayeva Sh.К. and Lokshin V.N. The comparative effectiveness of the preimplantation genetic diagnosis program in ART cycles. Day 3 or day 5? – Materials of the UARM International Symposium on Reproductive Medicine “Theory and Practice in Human Reproduction”, Lvov, 2013, p. 24-25.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Trubitsina Т.P., Yezersky V.А., Ryabykh V.P. Effectiveness of integrating genetic engineering constructions with the regulatory area of the αS1-casein gene and cattle lactoglobulin in the genome of rabbit progeny. // V International Scientific Conference “Actual problems of biology in animal husbandry”, Borovsk, 2010, 277-278p.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Trubitsina Т.P., Yezersky V.А., Ryabykh V.P. Integration of the genetic engineering construction with the human lactoferrin gene in the rabbit genome. // Biology – a science of the ХХI century: the 14th Pushchino International School-Conference of Young Scientists, (Pushchino, 19-23 April 2010), 292 p.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Trubitsina Т.P., Yezersky V.А., Ryabykh V.P. Effectiveness of integrating genetic engineering construction with the human lactoferrin gene in the rabbit genome. // Collected papers of the 8th International Scientific Conference-School “Modern achievements and problems of genetics and biotechnology in animal husbandry”, Dubrovitsy, 2009, 124-129 p.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Trubitsina Т.P., Yezersky V.А., Ryabykh V.P. Integration of the genetic engineering construction with the human lactoferrin gene to the genome of mice and rabbits. // Materials of the V Congress of the Russian Biotechnology Society named after Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, M., 2008, 173-174 p.
Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S., Yezersky V.А., Effectiveness of integrating the genetic engineering construction with the gene granulocyte – colony-stimulating human factor to preimplantation rabbit embryos. // Materials of the II Open All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Youth and Science of the XXI Century” Part 1, Ulyanovsk, 2007, 179-182 p.
Ryabykh V.P., Shishimorova M.S., Trubitsina Т.P., Fatkulina О.B., Tevkin S.I., Smetanina I.G. // Study of physiological-embryological and molecular biological processes underlying transgenosis of farm animals. Papers of the regional competition of scientific projects in the field of natural sciences, Issue No. 11, Kaluga, 2007, 451-471 p.
Shishimorova M.S., Fatkulina О.B., Tevkin S.I., Ryabykh V.P. Embryo viability and transgene integration in various variants of introducing retroviral constructions to mice zygotes. // Sixth International Scientific Conference “Modern achievements and problems of biotechnology of farm animals”, Dubrovitsy, 2006, 207-211p.
Shishimorova M.S., Yezersky V.А., Tevkin S.I., Ryabykh V.P. Effectiveness of integrating a genetic engineering construction with the human lactoferrin gene to mice preimplantation embryos. // Fourth International Conference “Actual problems of animal husbandry”, Borovsk, 2006, 286 p.
Ryabykh V.P., Shishimorova M.S., Trubitsina Т.P., Fatkulina О.B., Tevkin S.I., Ivanova L.B. Integration of a genetic engineering construction introduced to zygotes at different phases of the cell cycle to the genome of embryos and born animals. // Papers of the regional competition of scientific projects in the field of natural sciences, Issue No.10, Kaluga, 2006, 408-414 p.
Ryabykh V.P., Shishimorova M.S., Tevkin S.I., Trubitsina Т.P., Fatkulina О.B., Ivanova L.B. Integration of genetic engineering constructions embedded in a retroviral vector with various options for introducing mammals to zygotes to the genome of animals. // Fourth International Conference “Actual problems of animal husbandry”, Borovsk, 2006, 268-269p.
Ryabykh V.P., Trubitsina Т.P., Markina L.I., Tevkin S.I., Shishimorova M.S. Study of factors affecting the effectiveness of obtaining progeny of rabbits from zygotes microinjected by genetic engineering constructs. // Fifth International School-Conference “New methods of gene diagnostics: current status and prospects for the use in preservation of the gene pool of farm animals” – Dubrovitsy, 2005, 127-134p.
Ryabykh V.P., Shishimorova M.S., Tevkin S.I., Trubitsina Т.P., Fatkulina О.B., Ivanova L.B. Integration of foreign DNA to the embryo genome in different phases of the zygote cell cycle. // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Management of the functional systems of the body”, Stavropol, 2006, 39-42p.
Ryabykh V.P., Trubitsina Т.P., Shishimorova M.S., Fatkulina О.B., Tevkin S.I. Investigation of factors affecting the survival rate in embryo recipient pigs microinjected by genetic engineering constructs. // Fifth International School-Conference “New Methods of Gene Diagnostics: Current status and prospects of use in preserving the gene pool of farm animals”, Dubrovitsy, 2005, – 134-143p.
Ryabykh V.P., Trubitsina Т.P., Shishimorova M.S., Fatkulina О.B., Tevkin S.I. Analysis of factors affecting the survival of embryos microinjected by genetic engineering constructions in animals, Issue No.8, Kaluga, 2005, 363-367p.