Dr. Manzoor Nowshari

 Senior Clinical Embryologist, Diplomat European College of Animal Reproduction


Dr. Manzoor Ahmad Nowshari
Date of birth: 15.04.1955
Family status: married, 2 children
Nationality: Canadian

Dr. Manzoor Nowshari arbeitet seit 1988 auf dem Gebiet der Reproduktionsbiotechnologie. Er hat klinische-, Lehr- und Forschungstätigkeiten in verschiedenen reproduktionsbologischen Laboren in Deutschland, Österreich, Turkmenistan und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten etabliert und gearbeitet und einen hervorragenden Ruf erarbeitet.
Dr. Nowshari hat an der  Universität Göttingen und TH Hannover in 1990 promoviert. Er hat während seiner Tätigkeiten in verschiedenen Forschungsinstituten zahlreiche Fachartikel publiziert.
Dr. Nowshari ist als Senior Clinical Embryologist Mitglied der European Society Of Human Reproduction.  Er ist Diplomat des European College of Animal Reproduction und besitzt die Fachanerkennung Reproduktionsbiologie des Menschen.
Dr. Nowshari ist geboren in Kaschmir (indische Besitzes), ist ein Kanadier und seit 2006 lebt er mit seiner Frau und seinen beiden Kindern in Berlin und leitete das Kinderwunschzentrum Wenckebach Krankenhaus und seit 2010 Leiter des Kinderwunschzentrums Potsdam.

Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Kashmiri, Arabisch und Farsi in Schriftform


Studium der Veterinärmedizin (B.V. Sc & A. H, Hons) an der Rajendra Agricultural University, Bihar, Indien
Magister (M.V.Sc., Gynaecology & Obstetrics) an der G.B. Pant Agricultural University, Pantnagar, Indien.
Promotion Universität Göttingen und Tierärztliche Hochschule, Hannover am Institut für Haustiergenetik  und Biotechnik in Göttingen, AG Prof  W. Holtz
Founding Diplomat: European College of Animal Reproduction (seit 2000)
Fachanerkennung zum Reproduktionsbiologie (AGRBM, seit  2005)
Senior Clinical Embryologist: European Society of Human Reproduction (ESHRE, seit 2008)

In vitro fertilization and cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos, MRC Experimental and Teratology Unit, London
Use of Cryomicroscope for direct observation of morphological changes in gametes during freezing process and use of Hobson Sperm Analyzer. Zoological Society of London, London Zoo, London.
Computer Assisted Semen Analysis, British Andrological Society, Royal Veterinary College, London
Assisted Fertilization by Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection, Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Dutch-speaking, Brussels Free University, Belgium

1978 – 1981:
Veterinary Assistant Surgeon & Assistant Manager Frozen Semen Bank,  Kashmir, Indien

1981 – 1985:
Assistant Professor, Punjab Agricultural University, Indien

1985 – 1987:
Assistant Professor, Kashmir Agricultural University, Indien

1990 – 1994:
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, Deutsches Primatenzentrum, Göttingen

1994 – 1995
Laborleiter, Zentrum für Reproduktionsmedizin Hildesheim. Dres. Algermissen, Justus, Wilke

1995 –  1996:
Gemeinschaftspraxis BKS- Hamburg und Kreiskrankenhaus Mutlangen.

1996 – 2001:
Ruf durch Prof. Brehm : wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, Interunivesitäres Biotechnologische Forschungs Institut (IFA), Tulln und Veterinärmedizinische Universität, Wien, Österreich

2001 -2002:
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, Agrobiogen GmbH, Hilgertshausen, Dachau

2002 – 2005:
Ruf  durch Muhammad bin Raschid Al Maktum ist Herrscher des Emirats Dubai und Premierminister, Verteidigungsminister sowie Vizepräsident der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate zum Laborleiter (Reproduktionsbiologie), Central Veterinary Research Institute, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate German Emirates Fertility Center, Sharjah, UAE: Dr. Jwan Murad IVF Leitung

Okt.  2005 – Dez. 2005:
Laborleiter, Kinderwunsch Praxisklinik, Trier

May 2006 – July 2007
Laborleiter, KinderWunschzentrum Bad Schwartau.

Sept. 2007 – Juni 2011:
Laborleiter, Gemeinschaftspraxis FERA (Kinderwunsch),  Berlin

Seit Juni  2011:
Laborleiter, Kinderwunschzentrum Potsdam


European College of Animal Reproduction
International Embryo Transfer Society
European Society of Human Reproduction (ESHRE)
German Embryo Transfer Society, Germany
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Reproduktionsbiologie der Menschen (AGRBM)
Indian Society for the study of Animal Reproduction, India


1. Prof. Emiratus Dr. H. W. Michelmann
Zentrum Frauenheilkunde, Universität Göttingen
Robert-Koch-Str. 40, D-37075 Göttingen, Germany
Tel. Nr.:+ 0551-39-6277/39-6510

2. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Holtz
Institut für Tierzucht und Haustiergenetik, der Georg-August-Universität
Albrecht-Thaer-Weg 3, D-37075 Göttingen, Germany
Fax. No. + 0551-39-5587; Email: wholtz@gwdg.de

Prof. Dr. Gottfried Brem
Agrobiogen GmbH.,
86567- Hilgertshausen-Tandern, Germany
Tel. No.:+ 8250-928466
e-Mail: gbremabg@netscape.de

4.    Fertility Clinic Hildesheim
Dr. med. Franz-Josef Algermissen
Dr. med. Peter Justus
Dr. med Georg Wilke
Fachärzte für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
Zingel 29-30
D 31134 Hildesheim


Book Contributions:

Gottfried Brem and Manzoor A. Nowshari. Nuclear Transfer in cattle. Methods in Molecular Biology, Germ Cell Protocols, Volume 2: Molecular Embryo Analysis, Live Imaging, Transgenesis, and Cloning. Heide Schatten (Editor), Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ., PP 213-225.


1. Nowshari, Manzoor Ahmad, 1981
Effect of induced lactation on mammogenesis and ovarian activity of infertile cows & buffaloes.
Dissertation (M.V.Sc Obstetrics & Gynaecology), G.B. Pant. Uni. of Agri. Sci. & Tech., Pantnagar, India,

2. Nowshari, Manzoor Ahmad, 1990
Cryoprservation, splitting & transfer of mouse & goat embryos.
Dissertation (Docotor Medicinae Veterniariae), Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover and Goettingen University, Germany.

List of publications

Nowshari M.A., Ali, S.A 2005. Effect of season and gonadotropins on superovulatory response in camel (Camelus dromedarius). Theriogenology 64:1526-35.
Wani, N. A., Nowshari, M. A. 2005. Kinetics of nuclear maturation and effect of holding ovaries at room temperature on in vitro maturation of camel oocytes (Camelus dromedarius). Theriogenology 64:75-85.
Nowshari M.A., Ali, S.A. Shazia, Saleem 2005. Offspring resulting from transfer of cryopreserved embryos in camels (Camelus dromedarius). Theriogenology 63:2513-2522.
Nowshari, M. A. 2005. The effect of harvesting technique on efficiency of oocyte collection and different maturation media on the nuclear maturation of oocytes in camels (Camelus dromedarius). Theriogenology 63:2471-2481.
Ulrich, P. und Nowshari, M. A. 2001. Erfolgreicher Direkttransfer eines tiefgefrorenen Embryos beim Pferd (Successful direct transfer of a frozen-thawed equine embryo). Duetsche Tierärztiche Wochenschrift, 109:61-62.
Nowshari, M. A. and Brem, G. 2001. Effect of freezing rate and exposure time to cryoprotectant on the development of mouse pronuclear stage embryos. Hum. Reprod. 16:2368-2373.

Nowshari, M. A. and Brem, G. 2000. The protective action of polyvinyl alcohol during rapid-freezing of mouse embryos. Theriogenology 53:1157-1166.

Nowshari, M. A. and Brem, G. 2000. Refreezing of murine intact and biopsied embryos by rapid-freezing procedure. Human Reproduction, 15:2577-2581.

Nowshari, M. A. and Holtz, W. 1998. In vivo development of murine demi-embryos cryopreserved before or after splitting. Cryo-Letters 19:383-388.

Nowshari, M. A. and Brem, G. 1998. Effect of cryoprotectants and their concentration on post-thaw survival and development of  expanded mouse blastocysts frozen by a simple rapid-freezing procedure. Theriogenology, 50:1001-1013.

Morrell, J.M., Nowshari, M.A., Rosenbusch, J., Nayudu, P.L. and Hodges, J.K. 1997. Birth of offspring following artificial insemination in Common Marmoset, Callithrix jacchus. Amr. J. Primatol. 41:37-43.

Nowshari, M.A., Beckers, J.F. and Holtz, W.  1995. Superovulation of goats treated with purified pFSH supplemented with defined amounts of pLH. Theriogenology  43:797-802.

Gilchrist, R.B., Nayudu, P.L., Nowshari, M.A., Hodges, J.K. 1995. Meiotic competence of marmoset monkey oocytes is related to follicle size and oocyte-somatic cell association. Biol. Reprod. 52:1234-1243.

Nowshari, M.A. and Holtz, W. 1995.  In vitro culture of goat morula to blastocysts prior to freezing. Theriogenology 44:983-988.

Nowshari, M. A., Nayudu, P. L. & Hodges, J. K. 1995. Effect of cryoprotectants and their concentration on post-thaw survival and development of rapid frozen-thawed pronuclear stage mouse embryos. Hum. Reprod. 10:3237-3242.

Nowshari, M. A., Nayudu, P. L. & Hodges, J. K. 1994. Effect of cryoprotectant concentration and equilibration time on post-thaw survival and development of rapid frozen-thawed mature mouse oocytes. Theriogenolgy 42:1193-1204.

Nowshari, M.A and Holtz, W. Transfer of split goat embryos without zonae pellucidae either fresh or after freezing. 1993. J. Animal Science 71:3403-3408.

Nayudu, P. L., Kiesel, P.S., Nowshari, M. A. & Hodges, J. K. 1993. Association of RabondR (Tetrachlorvinphos) treatment of adult mice with abnormal in vitro development of ovarian follicles explanted from the daughters. Reprod. Toxi.  8:261-268.

Nowshari, M. A., Yuswiati, E., Puls-Kleingeld, M. & Holtz, W. 1992. Superovulation in peripubertal and adult goats treated with PMSG or pFSH. In: Recent Advances in Goat Production. R. R. Lokeshwar (Ed.) Nutan Printers, New-Delhi, India pp 1358-1363.

Puls-Kleingeld, M., Nowshari, M. A. & Holtz, W. 1992. Cryopreservation of goat embryos by the one step or three step equilibration procedure. In: Recent Advances in Goat Production. R. R. Lokeshwar (Ed.) Nutan Printers, New-Delhi, India pp 1388-1391.

Nanda, A.S., Nowshahri, M.A. and Sharma, R.D.  1991. Some studies on Ascitic fetus causing dystokia. Ind. J. Animal Reproduction 12:105-106.

Bach, A.S., Nowshahri, M.A., Rashid, A., Raina, A.K and Wani, S. 1989. Seroprevelance of Brucillosis in exotic cattle of Jammu and Kashmir state. Indain J. Comp. Microbiol. Immuno. Infect. Dis. 9 :23-27.

Wani, G.M., Risam, K.S. and Nowshari, M.A. 1988. Effect of synchronization of oestrus on lambing in Corridale ewes. Indian J. of Animal Sciences 58:800-801.

Nowshahri, M.A; Pangawker, G.R; Gupta, R.P; Sehgal, R.P. and Sharma, R.D. 1984. Craniofenstria in a twin fetus of Indian Water Buffalo. Acta Veterinaria (Faculty of Vet. med. Beograd) 34:209-212.

Nowshahri, M.A; Bedi.K.S. & Sharma, R.D. 1984. A Cephalothoracophagus  monster in an Indian water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis). Indian J. Animal Reproduction  6:91-92.

Nowshahri, M.A; Dugweker, Y.G; Nem singh & Dhablania, D.C. 1983. Transmissible Venereal Tumour during coitus, pregnancy, and parturition- A case report. Ind. J. Vet. Med. 3:105-106.

Nowshahri, M.A & Maurya, S.N. 1983. Reproductive performance of infertile cattle induced to lactation. Indian J. Animal Reproduction 4:85-86.

Published abstracts
Nowshari, M.A. and Wani N.A. 2005. Camelide embryo development in vitro: Effect of protein supplementation in maturation medium and subsequent culture in two different media on fertilization and development. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 17(1,2):276.
Wani, N. A., Nowshari, M. A. 2005. Effect of heparin and calcium ionophore on acrosome reaction in epididymal spermatazoa of dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius). Reproduction, Fertility and Development 17(1,2):250.
Wani, N. A., Nowshari, M. A., Wernery, U. 2005. Storage of camel (Camelus dromdarius) epididymal spermatozoa in different extenders and at different temperatures. Society for Study of Reproduction: (SSR, Abstract No: 693).

Wani, N. A., Wernery, U. Nowshari, M. A. 2004. Chronological Events of in vitro maturation in camel (Camelus dromedaries). Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16 (1,2):161
Ali, S. A., Nowshari, M. A. 2004. Effect of season on the superovulatory response in dromedary camel. Proceedings 15th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Porto Seguro, Brazil,  p 364.
Nowshari, M. A., Ali, S. A. 2004. Cryopreservation of dromedary camel embryos by rapid-freezing procedure. Proceedings 15th International Congress on Animal Reproduction, Porto Seguro, Brazil,  p 553.

Nowshari, M. A. Wernery, U. 2003. The effect of harvesting technique on efficiency of oocyte collection and their meiotic competence in dromedary camels. In: Proc. European Embryo Transfer Society Meeting, Rostock, Germany September 2003, P 196.

Kolbe, T., Nowsahri, M. A., Bordoy, R., Troelsen, J.T., Brem, G. and Müller, M. 2002. Combination of microinjection and cryopreservation for the generation of transgenic mice. Theriogenology 57:782.
Nowsahri, M. A., Besenfelder, U., Mößlacher, G., Brem, G. 2002. Nuclear transfer with fetal, adult and follicular cells in rabbits. Theriogenology 57:439.
Nowsahri, M. A., Besenfelder, U., Mößlacher, G., Brem, G. 2002. Nuclear transfer with somatic cells in rabbits. In: Proc. 35th  Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Reproduction (Tagung zur Physiologie and Pathologie der Fortpflanzung), Leipzig, Germany in Feberuary 2002. P 34.

Nowshari, M. A. and Brem, G. 2001. Effect of freezing rate and exposure time to cryoprotectant on the development of pronuclear stage embryos during rapid-freezing procedure. Theriogenology 55:313.

Nowshari, M. A. and Brem, G.  2000. Frozen murine embryos can successfully survive biopsy and recryopreservation. Reprod. Dom. Anim. 35:34.

Holtz, W. Nowshari, M. A. and Sohnrey, B. 2000. Unilateral or bilateral transfer of embryos in Boer goats. Proc. 7th Int. Conf. On Goats, Nouzilly, France 15-21.05.200:494.

Nowshari, M. A. and Brem, G.  2000.  Effect of thawing temperature and in-straw dilution of cryoprotectants on survival and development of murine embryos frozen by rapid-freezing  procedure. Theriogenology 53:261.

Nowshari, M.A. and Brem, G. 1999. Refreezing of bovine and murine embryos by rapid-freezing procedure. Theriogenology 51:172.

Nowshari, M.A. and Brem, G. 1998.  Cryopreservation of expanded mouse blastocysts by rapid freezing procedure. Theriogenology  49:172.

Nowshari, M.A. and Brem, G. 1998. Rapid-freezing of in vitro produced bovine embryos with ethylene glycol.  In: Lauria, A; Gandolfi, F; Enne, G; and Gianaroli, L. (ed´s.), Gametes: Development and Function. Serona Symposium-Italy, PP 585.

Morrell, J., Küderling, I., Nowshari, M.A., Rosenbusch, J., Nayudu, P.L., Hodges, J.K. 1994. Semen collection and artificial insemination in New World primates. Proceedings 7th International Symposiuum on Spermatology, Cairns, Australia, 9-14th October 1994.

Schöneck, C., Calvete, J. J., Töpfer-petersen, E., Nowshari, M. A., Hodges, J. K., Einspanier, R. 1994. Erste funktionelle Vergleich zwishen den Samenplasmaprotein aSFP des Bullen und AWN-1 des Ebers belegen deren Einfluß auf die spermienvitalität (preliminary functional comparison between seminal plasma protein aSFP of bulls and AWN-1 of boars: Effect on sperm vitality). Reprod. Dom. Anim. 29:89

Nowshari, M. A. & Holtz, W. 1993. In vitro and in vivo development of zona-pellucida-free goat demi-embryos. Paper presented in Serono Symposium on preimplantation Embryo Development, Newton, Boston, USA, Aug 15-18, 1991. In: Barry B. Bavister (Ed.) Preimplantation Embryo Development. 1993. Springer Verlag, NY.

Nowshari, M. A., Nayudu, P. L. & Hodges, J. K. 1993. Cryopreservation of mouse oocytes by ultra-rapid versus conventional freezing methods. J. Reprod. Fertil. Abs. Series 11:65.

Nayudu, P. L., Kiesel, P.S., Nowshari, M. A.  1993. Ovulation in vitro is associated with a characteristic pattern of in vitro follicle growth. J. Reprod. Fertil. Abs. Series 11:82.

Nowshari, M. A., Nayudu, P. L. & Hodges, J. K. 1993. Rapid freezing of mouse pronucleate embryos using DMSO and 1-2 propanediol as cryoprotectant. J. Reprod. Fertil. Abs. Series 12:20.

Gilchrist, R. B., Nayudu, P. L., Nowshari, M. A. & Hodges, J. K. 1993. Meiotic chromatin and spindle configuration illustrate the relationship between in vitro maturation of oocytes and follicle size in the Marmoset Monkey (Callithrix jacchus). J. Reprod. Fertil. Abs. Series 12:19.

Nowshari, M.A. & Holtz, W. 1992. Kultivierung und Transfer von zonalosen geteilten ziegenembryonen (Culture and transfer of split goat embryos). Reprod. Dom. Anim. 27:68.

Puls-Kleingeld, M., Yuswiati, E., Nowshari, M. A., & Holtz, W. 1992. Einfluß des FSH/LH-Verhältnisses auf den Superovulationserfolg bei Ziegen (Effect of FSH/LH ratio on superovulatory response in goats). Reprod. Dom. Anim. 27:55.

Nayudu, P. L., Osborn, S. M., Nowshari, M. A. & Hodges, J. K. 1992. In vitro ovarian follicle growth in mice and marmoset monkeys. Proc. Serono Symposium on in vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer in Primates, May 28-31, 1992, Oregon, USA.

Nayudu, P. L., Nowshari, M. A. & Hodges, J. K. 1992. In vitro follicular development and oocyte maturation in the mouse and common marmoset. J. Reprod. Fertil.  Abstr. Series 7:54.

Puls-Kleingeld, M., Yuswiati, Y., Nowshari, M.A., Beckers, J.F  and Holtz, W. 1991. The effect of FSH/LH ratio and treatment schedule on the superovulatory response in goats. J. Reprod. Fertil. 43 (suppl.):308.

Nowshari, M. A., Beckers, J.F. and Holtz, W.  1991. The effect of FSH/LH ratio on the superovulatory response in goats. Proc. the 7th Scientific Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association, Cambridge, U.K., September 13-15, 1991,pp 182.

Nowshahri, M.A & Maurya.S.N. 1985. Induction of lactation in infertile cattle: Histological and ultrastructural studies. Indian J. Animal Reproduction 6:191.

Nanda, A.S; Sharma, R.D & Nowshahri, M.A. 1985. The clinical outcome of different regimes of treatment of Uterine torsion in Buffaloes. Ind. J. Animal Reproduction  6:134.

Scientific Paper Presentations

Nowshari, M.A. 2004, Guest Lecture: Reproduction Biotechnology: Past and Future. Veterinary Faculty, Sheri -Kashmir University of Agriculture Sciences and Technology, Srinagar-Kashmir, India. ( 07. 07. 2004).

Nowshari, M.A. 2004, Guest Lecture: Infertility and Reproduction biotechnology. Department of Animal Husbandry, Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar-Kashmir, India. (01. 07. 2004).

Nowshari, M. A. 2004. Invited Speaker. Cloning. Short Course on Camel Reproduction, Dubai (27. 01. 2004).

Ulrich, Peter and Nowshari, Manzoor A.  2000. Erfolgreicher Direkttransfer von tiefgefrorenen Embryonen beim Pferd (Successful direct transfer of frozen embryos in horses). Paper presented at 23rd German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting  (AET-d,  29-30 June 2000), Verden, Germany
Nowshari, M. A. and Brem G. 1999 .Tiefgefrierkonservierung von Mäuseembryone in Proteinfreien Medien (Cryopreservation of mouse embryos in protein-free medium). Paper presented at  DFG – GTZ Conference (15 -16 Sept. 1999), Giessen, Germany
Nowshari, M. A. 1998. Kryokonservierung von Embryonen (Cryopreservation of embryos). 2nd Embryotransfer Ausbildungsseminar des ETAK-Embryotransfer Arbeitskreises, 24. April 1998. IFA-Tulln, Austria.

Nowshari, M. A. 1998. Kryokonservierung von Embryonen (Cryopreservation of embryos). 3rd. Embryotransfer Ausbildungsseminar des ETAK-Embryotransfer Arbeitskreises, 10. July,1998. IFA-Tulln, Austria.

Nowshari, M.A. and Brem, G. 1998. Kryokonservierung von expandierten Mäuse Blastozysten mit dem ultra-rapid Verfahren (Cryopreservation of expanded mouse blastocysts by ultrarapid-freezing method) Paper presented at 21st German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting (AET-d,  18-19, May 1998), Dummerstorf, Rohstock, Germany.

Nowshari, M.A. and Brem, G. 1998. Rapid-freezing of mouse embryos with cryoprotectant supplemented with chemically defined macromolecule. Paper presented at 2nd Conferance of the European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction and Central European Conferance on Animal Reproduction (26th – 28th November 1998), Keszthely, Hungry.

Nowshari, M. A., Nayudu, P. L. & Hodges, J. K. 1993. Ein Vergleich zur Kryokonservierung von Mäuseoozyten mit dem konventionellen oder ultrarapiden Verfahren (A comparison between conventional and ultra-rapid freezing method for mouse oocytes). Paper presented at the 19th German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting (AET-d), Maria Taferal, Austria, 13-14. May, 1993.

Nowshari, M. A., Nayudu, P. L. & Hodges, J. K. 1992. Ist die in vitro-Kutivierung von Mäuseembryonen ein geeigneter Bioindikator für die in vitro-Fertilisationstechnik? (Is mouse embryo culture a suitable bioassay for in vitro fertilization technique?). Paper presented at the 18th German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting (AET-d), Schwäbisch Hall, Germany, 10-11. July 1992.

Nayudu, P. L., Nowshari, M. A. & Hodges, J. K. 1992. Die Reifung von ovariellen Follikeln bei Mäusen und ihre praktische Anwendung bei anderen Säugetieren. (Maturation of ovarian follicles in mice and its practical utility in domestic animals). Paper presented at the 18th German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting (AET-d), Schwäbisch Hall, Germany, 10-11. July 1992.

Nowshari, M.A., Yuswiati, Y., Puls-Kleingeld, M and Holtz, W. 1990. Teilung und Gefrierkonservierung von Ziegenembryonen (Splitting and cryopreservation of goat embryos). Paper presented in 17th German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting (AET-d), Oldenberg, Germany, 5 – 6 July, 1990.

Yuswiati, Y., Nowshari, M.A., Puls-Kleingeld, M. and Holtz, W. 1990. Embryonengewinnung von Kurz oder nach der Geschlechtsreife stehenden Ziegen (Flushing of embryos from pre- and post pubertal goats). Paper presented in 17th German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting (AET-d), Oldenberg, Germany, 5 – 6 July, 1990.

Nowshahri, M.A. and Holtz, W. 1989. Teilung von Mäuse-Embryonen vor oder nach Tiefgefrierung (Splitting of mouse embryos before vs. after deep freezing). Paper presented in 16th German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting (AET-d), Landshut, Germany, 6-7 July, 1989.

Puls-Kleingeld, M., Yuswiati, E., Nowshari, M.A and Holtz, W.  1989. Transfererfolge mit Tiefgefrorenen  Embryonen von Fleishziegen (Successful transfer of frozen embryos in meat type goats). Paper presented in 16th German Embryo Transfer Society Meeting (AET-d), Landshut, Germany, 6-7 July, 1989.

Nowshari, M.A. and Holtz, W. 1989. In vitro-Kultivierung von zonafreien geteilten Ziegenembryonen (In vitro culture of zona-free goat demi-embryos). Paper presented in Vortragstagung der DGFZ/GFT, Berlin, Germany, 2-3 Oct. 1989.

Nowshahri, M.A; Wani, G.M; Tariq Ahmed and Baru.P. 1986. Induction of estrus in